Airworks will improve project management and modelling using data

A large contribution of € 43.077 in respect to an an investment of € 71.095 been granted by Regione Autonoma FVG to our vision for AI powered project management at Airworks SRL (“DITWICO”) in the framework of POR-FESR 2014-2020 – sec 1.2.a.1. The diversity of our projects spanning from instrument designs to high tech machines makes it complex to elaborate cost models, schedule and resource plans. Thus, to improve our capability we will leverage on AI applied to all our data accumulated over 14 years of operations



“ABE” follow-up project “OLSIV” gets co-funded

The initiative “POR FESR 2014-2020 – A 1.2.a.2” will support “OLSIV” (Laboratory and workshop for vibro-acoustical systems), a new project that aims to implement the results of the R&D programme “ABE” in the field of noise and vibration control.

Airworks allocated an investment of 220.670 euro for “OLSIV”, with a co-funding share of 77.235 supported by Regione Autonoma FVG.



Airworks is lead partner of R&D project “ABE” (reduction of maritime related noise, vibration and chemical emissions)

initiative “POR FESR 2014-2020 – A 1.3.b” co-funded a joint project of AIRWORKS S.r.l., Università Degli Studi di Trieste, MICAD S.r.l. and METECH S.r.l., called ABE.

The project ABE is designed to give an answer to a set of problems related to engine vibrations of merchant and cruise vessels, with consideration to the hull-related noise impact on the marine environment. ABE considers the interconnection of noise, vibration and chemical emissions inducted and generated by engine, it plans the research of design methodologies and technologies for emissions reduction in order to provide a set of new services systems and new products

