Airworks ICT investment plan gets funded by POR-FESR 2014-20

The initiative “POR FESR 2014-2020 – A 2.3.b – 23b1 bis” granted € 32.497 to our recent investment in the company software infrastructure (€ 64.995), which will be crucial for our activities in the domain of R&D


Enhancement of an Aeroelastic Solver for Design Optimization of HAWT

University Roma Tre (hereinafter UR3) Rotorcraft group, on behalf of AirWorks Engineering (hereinafter AW), developed and improved a code for HAWT’s aeroelastic optimization during the period September-2013/June-2014,.
Technical Note to be deliverd to POR-FESR board.
The final goal of the work was the enhancement of the aeroelatic-design
optimization tool developed in the previous years. The aim was to improve both the availability and the quality of the aerodynamic models, of the bladebox modeling, and of the optimization criteria, in order to be more useful and a more direct aid in the preliminary-design phase of HAWT blades layout.
Furthermore, the solver has been given a GUI, currently at its Beta-Version, to be usable from a common user in a friendly way.

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Pale eoliche per il mercato globale

L’esperienza nel settore aerospaziale ha aperto le porte dello sviluppo nelle rinnovabili
Articolo tratto dal quotidiano “Il sole 24 ore” del 28/10/2013
Airworks srl è una società di ingegneria per progetti avanzati, nata nel 2007 per iniziativa di Alessandro Targusi, Stefano Picinich e Christian Scaramozza.

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Today’s Design for Tomorrow’s Products

A2WIND’s Fresh Approach to Wind Turbine Design
Published on “Pi Magazine”
Wolfgang Kurz, Technical Manager of Aerospace & Renewable Energy at A2WIND, tells PI Magazine Asia about A2Wind’s turbine design processes, showing how they are responding to current market drivers whilst future-proofing their technology.

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Making Optimization a Shared Experience

Enterprise Suite allows teams to build the advanced multidisciplinary optimization workflows that are critical to complex system design.
Published on “Desktop Engineering
No longer an oddity or curious interloper, wind turbines are settling in as a familiar part of both urban and rural landscapes. Yet beneath their simple and majestic stature belies a design complexity that tests even the most technically astute engineering organizations.

Just ask AirWorks, a contractor for advanced projects in the space and defense

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