WARP – Wec Aerodynamic Rotorblades Performances

WARP is a in-house developed software for the full aerodynamic behaviour computation of a WEC rotorblade.

It provides:

  • Cp computation based on a proprietary aerodynamic code developed and tested in cooperation with Stuttgart University (aerodynamic code is now furtherly being improved to take into account leading edge theories for wake inflow computation)
  • Highly automatized Power Curve computation using most advanced techniques, such as peak shaving, pitch to feather, pitch to stall and stall regulation (user can choose which technique has to be applied, and in which Power Curve region)
  • Possibility of choosing 6 different polinomial forms in 3 different dominions for each of the most important geometrical characteristics (Chord vs R, t vs R, Twist vs R…) interpolation/computation
  • Creation of fine CAD geometry for up to 100 sections selected by the User along the span, choosing between 3 possible interpolation methods (Spline or Bezier based) on 2 different span dominions. Depending on the blade overall geometry, one of the methods can be more convenient than others: WARP allows for a very fast and accurate comparison.
  • CATIA v5 tool for the automatic import of the CAD geometry and automatic creation of the loft surfaces, featuring option for the final result layout. Once the right methods for CAD creation has been selected at the previous step, the final geometry is immediately available and works as a solid and usefule basis for the blade geometry  final finishing.


WARP is now being ported from VBA to Python.

  • This new realease will also feature VAWT calculation in addition to the HAWT one.
  • Fast and interactive output
  • Aerodynamic and main parameter definition made extremely easy (VAWT)

Some sample screenshots follow:




